2019 Meetings Gallery
November 2019
Gem Workshop with Julia Graves, Gem Affiliate Member |
Julia Graves Presents Her Personal Quilting Journey |
October 2019
Annual Sharing Dinner |
Show & Tell |
September 2019 Meeting
Special Guest Speaker Barbara Yates Beasley
Newtown Quilters’ Guild welcomed Artist Barbara Yates Beasley who shared her lecture titled “Windows Into The Souls of Animals”. She described her journey as a fabric artist and her inspirations along with some technique approaches. For more about Barbara, visit her site at barbarayatesbeasley.com . Barbara brought along a number of her beautiful pieces to share with the Guild and a small group of members and guests participated in a two-day workshop to learn her technique for collage animal portraiture.
Barbara describes how her love of animals inspired her to experiment with many forms of fabric art
September Block-of-the-Month
Workshop participants share their pet portrait works-in-progressShow & Tell & Philanthropy Quilts
August 2019 Meeting
Crayon Philanthropy Quilts
August Show & Tell
August Block of the Month
July 2019 Meeting
UFO Landings - Mission Complete!
Unfinished projects. We all have them. Earlier this year, Guild Member Pat Clayton encouraged (well, strong-armed actually) members to sign "contracts" committing to finish that one project, or "UFO", that defied finishing. In all, 45 members participated and the results are truly inspiring. Some of the finished works were years in the making and unveiled at our July meeting. See for yourself what a little perseverance can do!
We can expect to see more projects finish up in the coming months, just in time for our show. |
Diana Leslie's Mystery Quilt WorkshopOur own Guild Member, Diana Leslie, hosted a Mystery Quilt Workshop on July 16th where participants created a multi-block pattern quilt in a day. The results are beautiful! Thank you Diana for another fun and inspiring workshop!!
July Show & Tell |
June 2019 Meeting
30th Birthday Celebration!
June Block of the Month Progress |
June Show & Tell |
May 2019 Meeting and Events
Eve Vallorani - "Projects to do between quilts"
Block of the Month - The "Neighborhood" through blocks #7 & #8 |
Members' Show & Tell |
April 2019 Meeting and Events
Member Demonstrations
April's meeting was dedicated to "members teaching members" through eight different and unique hands-on speed demonstrations. Topics included fabric creation, piecing, quilting and finishing speed demonstrations.
Thank you to our instructors: Marsha Watro – “Fun with Circles”, Francine Oswald – “Binding Techniques”, Leona Law –“Fabric Painting”, Camille Amadio – “Machine Quilting”, Lorie Leonardi – “Raw Edge Strip Applique”, Teresa Wescott – “New and Improved Paper Piecing Technique”, Andrea Csogi – “Tchotchke Bags” and Christine DiMarco – “T-shirt Quilts” |
Guild Members' Show and Tell |
Block of the Month - The "Neighborhood" is Growing with Blocks #5 & 6 |
March 2019 Meeting and Events
"Hallmark of Friends Village" Quilt - Presented to Friends Home & Village
This beautiful “Hallmarks of Friends Village” quilt was presented to representatives of Newtown Friends Home & Village (FH&V), Karen Haney, Marketing and Advancement Director, and Beth Hudson Keller, Philanthropy Associate.
Last year, our Guild was contacted by FH&V seeking our help in constructing a quilt which would raise funds for improvement projects at their facility. During the course of a year, Newtown Quilters' Guild Members, Sallie Lloyd, Lorie Leonardi, and Regina Apuzzo, met with Karen, Beth, and some of the residents to plan a quilt that would represent the residents of FH&V. Karen explained this unique quilt’s features to the assembled members. The quilt will be dedicated on April 4, 2019 at the Friends Patchwork Improvement Project Celebration, and it will be permanently displayed at their facility, located on Lower Dolington Road, Newtown, PA. Newtown Quilters’ Guild is proud to have been a partner in this project. |
Special Guest Speaker Rachel Derstine Shares her Design Journey with NQG
Guild Members' Show and Tell
Ruler Bag Workshop Creations from March 16th - Led by Pat Clayton |
Block of the Month - Progressing with Blocks #3 and #4 |
February 2019 Meeting and Events
Members' Sew-in to Commemorate 400th Anniversary
of Africans Landing as Slaves in British North America (1619)
Girl Scout Silver Award Candidate Shares her Own Special Quilt |
Philanthropy Quilts Made by Members |